Throughout my career, I've built a network of sharing---through formal presentations, formal training, formal sharing such as teaching circles, individual training and informal talking in the hall or at conferences or via e-mail. Here are some of the ways I've shared my knowledge. At the bottom are a couple of my favorite sharing experiences.

I love presenting at conferences to share things I've learned and am doing as well as learning what others are doing. I've presented nationally regularly at ICTCM and also taught pre-sessions and short courses for them.
I've also presented several times at AMATYC, where the first time, I received an e-mail asking me to present. I have loved the opportunities I've had to interact with colleagues from throughout the U.S.
I was asked by AMATYC to present a professional development Webinar on "Calculus Alive! Motivating Students With Applications and Flipping the Class for Active Learning".
We've created a Facebook page for Math Technology Users and have had faculty visit me at SLCC where I shared with them many of the things I'm doing. I have another faculty coming from Michigan in January while she is on sabbatical and learning how to make videos for her flipped classroom.
A good example of this share-and-share-alike is found at bit.ly/freemathtools. I met Jon at the MCC Technology Workshop and he has cataloged and shared many resources at this site and several of my materials are part of this map.
I've presented three times at UMATYC (Utah Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges).
I've presented at the Intermountain Region's MAA Conference.
I've taught at several regional and local trainings on using online homework (MyMathLab, WebAssign and MyOpenMath).
I was the keynote for the UVU Instructional Designers Summit where I had the opportunity to share my work on the problem-motivated calculus as well as showing the attendees how not only can math be taught online, but it can be taught well.
I received very positive feedback and enjoyed sharing my work with them.
I have presented twice at the Faculty Convention, once on "Tools and Techniques of Technology for courses Requiring Graphs and Equations" and once on "Learning through Homework---Can a Computer Help?"
I've presented at faculty meeting several times. Most recently on "Engaging Students Through Critical Thinking and Active Learning"
I've conducted numerous training sessions for adjuncts and full-time faculty on online homework systems.
I've participated in several Teaching Circles both in and outside the math department learning about Best Teaching Practices, Thinking Skills, Tablet PC's and Maple.
Informally I've helped countless adjunct and full-time faculty with technology (with such things as Camtasia, WinPlot, PowerPoint, MathType, Canvas etc.
Two of My Favorite Sharing Experiences
MCC Math & Technology Workshops

M is for Math, Michigan and Maria
Photo at Lake Michigan
I attended the MCC Math & Technology Workshop in Muskegon Michigan for a week in the summer of 2012. It was taught by Maria Andersen and was the BEST workshop I've ever attended in terms of useful knowledge. I then returned to Michigan the following summer as a technology helper. I helped attendees with hands-on use of the things they were learning and facilitated their presentations at the conclusion. The knowledge gained and friendships made continue on long after this workshop ended. I presented a faculty meeting sharing some of the things I'd learned and continue to share things long after these workshops are over with colleagues around the country as well as at SLCC.

Presenting to the Math Faculty at BYU-Hawaii

I first met Elaine in Orlando, Florida at ICTCM. I had just finished presenting a session and she came up to me, handed me her card saying she was the math department chair at BYU-Hawaii and offered me a job teaching there. While it sure was tempting, I was not able to do that but continued to see Elaine at subsequent ICTCM conferences. When I mentioned to her that I was coming to Hawaii for a vacation when I completed cancer treatments, she said to let her know when I'd be there and asked me if I would present a session to her faculty while there.
Lunch with Elaine at ICTCM 2014 San Antonio

I was presented with a lei before beginning the session
I did present a hands-on two hour session and then was able to have lunch on campus with several of the math faculty. As a thank-you, they gave me admission to the Polynesian Cultural Center and presented me with a BYU-Hawaii Math Learning Center Lunch Box full of Hawaiian goodies and souvenirs.