College Algebra PowerPoints
Tutorial PowerPoint for Sullivan College Algebra 8e (yellow book)
R.6 - Polynomial Division; Synthetic Division
1.4 - Radical Equations; Equations Quadratic in Form; Factorable Equations
2.2 - Graphs of Equations
2.4 - Circles
3.1 - Functions
3.2 - The Graph of a Function
3.3 - Properties of Functions
3.4 - Library of Functions; Piecewise-defined Functions
3.5 - Graphing Techniques: Transformations
3.6 - Mathematical Models: Constructing Functions
4.3 - Quadratic Functions and Their Properties
4.4 - Quadratic Models
4.5 - Inequalities Involving Quadratic Functions
5.1 - Polynomial Functions
5.2 - Rational Functions I
5.3 - Rational Functions II: Analyzing Graphs
5.4 - Polynomial and Rational Inequalities
5.5 - The Real Zeros of a Polynomial Function
5.6 - Complex Zeros; Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
6.1 - Composite Functions
6.2 - Inverse Functions
6.3 - Exponential Functions
6.4 Logarithmic Functions
6.5 - Properties of Logarithms
6.6 - Logarithmic and Exponential Equations
6.7 - Compound Interest
6.8 - Exponential Growth and Decay; Newton's Law; Logistic Models
7.1 - Conics
7.2 - The Parabola
7.3 - The Ellipse
7.4 - The Hyperbola
8.1 - Systems of Linear Equations: Substitution and Elimination
8.2 - Systems of Linear Equations: Matrices
8.3 - Systems of Linear Equations: Determinants
8.4 - Matrix Algebra
8.5 - Partial Fraction Decomposition
9.1 - Sequences
9.2 - Arithmetic Sequences
9.3 - Geometric Sequences; Geometric Series