Calculus I Activities
I am teaching Calculus I as a flipped class where students watch the calculus videos I've created and then come to class ready to interact with the material. These activities enable that as students work in groups and share with their peers or we sometimes work together as a class and discuss them. Many of these activities were taken from the OER book Active Calculus. At times they have been edited to better fit our curriculum and they've been re-titled. I have also developed several of these activities.
1 - Prerequisite Review Part 1 Prerequisite Review Part 2
2 - Activity Average and Instantaneous Velocity
3 - Activity The Notion of a Limit
4 - Continuity
5- Activity Precise Definition of Limit Graphically
8 - Derivatives of Power Functions
9 - Product and Quotient Rules
10 - Derivatives of Trig Functions
11 - Chain Rule
12 - Chain Rule Practice
14 - Derivative of Inverse Trig Functions
15 - Logarithmic Diffferentiation
16 - Related Rates
17 - Linearization
18 - Hyperbolic Functions
19 - Extreme Values
20 - L'Hopitals Rule
21 - What Derivatives Tell Us About Graphs
23 - Optimization
26 - Area and Distance
28 - Definite Integrals
29 - Integration Practice
30 - Substitution
31 - Area Between Curves Activity